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When Emotions Get Trapped: How Unresolved Feelings Can Sabotage Your Well-Being (And What You Can Do About It)

Oct 15, 2024

 If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably tried the “power through” method when life feels like too much. You know, the one where you just push your feelings to the side, slap on a smile, and keep going. But let me share a little secret with you: those emotions you’re avoiding? They’re not going anywhere.

You can shove them aside for a while, sure, but eventually, they show up in the most unexpected places—like your body.

Yep, your body is holding onto emotions you never gave yourself the space to process. And these emotions? They’re not just hanging out peacefully. They’re showing up as tension, pain, and even illness. It’s your body’s way of saying, “Hey, I need you to deal with this!”

But don’t worry, this isn’t about feeling guilty for all those times you ignored your emotions (we’ve all been there). This is about understanding what’s really going on and, most importantly, what you can do to release these emotions—for good. By the end of this, you’ll have a clearer picture of why emotional healing is so important and how it’s directly tied to your physical health.

Why Unresolved Emotions Show Up in the Body

Let’s talk about the mind-body connection for a second. We’ve all heard phrases like “mind over matter,” but what we don’t always realize is that the mind and body are constantly communicating. It’s like a never-ending text thread between your brain and your body.

When something stressful or upsetting happens—whether it’s a big life event or a tiny argument—your brain sends out signals that trigger a whole host of physical reactions. You know the deal: a racing heart, shallow breathing, tense muscles. Your body is preparing to protect you, ready to go into fight-or-flight mode.

And while your body is great at handling this in small doses, the problem arises when you don’t process these emotions fully. When you’re constantly stressed or dealing with unresolved feelings, your body never gets the memo to calm down. It stays in this heightened state, holding onto that emotional tension.

This can lead to all kinds of physical symptoms—everything from muscle tightness and headaches to chronic illness.

You know those days when your neck is stiff, your back aches, and you feel like your whole body is out of alignment? Yep, that could be your unprocessed emotions talking. Or maybe you’ve been feeling exhausted and out of sorts, and no amount of rest seems to help. Sound familiar?

The bottom line is this: your emotions don’t just stay in your head. They show up in your body, and over time, they can do some serious damage if they’re left unresolved.

How Unresolved Emotions Show Up in Your Body

You don’t have to be a master of self-awareness to realize when your body is out of whack. But understanding how emotions manifest physically can be a game changer.

Here are some of the most common ways your body might be holding onto unresolved emotions:

1. Neck and Shoulder Tension

Ever notice how your shoulders practically live near your ears when you’re stressed out? That’s because stress, overwhelm, and emotional tension love to hang out in your neck and shoulders. If you’ve been carrying emotional burdens that you haven’t fully dealt with, you might find yourself feeling tight, stiff, and sore in this area.

2. Stomach Issues

Gut health and mental health are deeply connected, and that anxious knot in your stomach isn’t just in your imagination. When you’re stressed, anxious, or grieving, your digestive system can take a hit. Whether it’s bloating, IBS, or general digestive discomfort, your gut is a huge player in the mind-body connection. So, if you’ve been holding in emotions, don’t be surprised if your stomach starts sending signals that something is up.

3. Lower Back Pain

Feeling unsupported or stuck in life? Those emotional experiences often translate into lower back pain. It’s as if your body is physically carrying the weight of feeling like you’re going nowhere or can’t move forward. If you’ve been dealing with lower back pain for no apparent reason, it’s worth considering whether it might be linked to unresolved feelings of uncertainty or a lack of emotional support.

4. Headaches and Migraines

Stress, perfectionism, and emotional pressure can lead to headaches and migraines. If you’re constantly striving to meet high expectations (whether from yourself or others) and not addressing the emotional toll that takes, it’s no surprise your head might start pounding.

Now that we’ve pinpointed how these emotions are making themselves known, let’s talk about what to do with this information. Because knowing your body is holding onto emotions is only half the battle. The real magic happens when you learn how to release them.

How to Release Unresolved Emotions and Free Your Body (and Mind)

You might be wondering, “Okay, I get it—my body’s holding onto all this emotional tension. But what do I actually do about it?” Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Here are a few ways you can start releasing those pent-up emotions and give your body (and mind) the break it’s been begging for.

1. Somatic Dance: Shake it Off—Literally

One of the most effective ways to release emotions from your body is to move. But not just any movement. I’m talking about somatic dance, where the goal is to move your body in a way that feels good—no judgment, no structure, just free movement.

Put on some deep, transformative music that really speaks to you, and dance. I mean really dance. Stomp your feet, shake your arms, jump up and down—take up space and get big. This isn’t about looking good or graceful. This is about letting your body move in a way that helps you release emotional energy.

Maybe it’s shaking off the stress of the day or jumping to let go of frustration. Whatever it is, let your body take the lead. You’ll be amazed at how freeing it feels to get out of your head and into your body. This is one of my favorite ways to release stuck emotions because it’s fun and effective—and trust me, no one needs to see it except you.

2. Journal it Out: Clear Your Head, Heal Your Heart

Journaling is a powerful way to get in touch with the emotions you’ve been avoiding. When you put pen to paper, you’re giving your thoughts and feelings a safe place to land. And the best part? No one has to read it but you.

Write down whatever comes to mind. It doesn’t have to be pretty or perfect—just let it out. Get real about what you’re feeling, what’s been weighing on you, and what you’ve been pushing aside. Sometimes, just seeing your thoughts in black and white can help you make sense of them and start the healing process.

If journaling feels awkward at first, that’s okay. Start with whatever comes naturally, and let it flow from there. You might be surprised at how much clarity you gain when you give your emotions a voice.

3. Breathwork: Release Tension with Every Exhale

Let’s talk about breathwork. It’s simple but incredibly powerful. When we’re stressed or overwhelmed, we tend to take shallow breaths, keeping our bodies in a constant state of tension. But deep, intentional breathing can help release that tension and bring your body back into balance.

Here’s an easy breathwork practice to try: Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a second, and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Do this for a few minutes, paying attention to how your body feels with each breath. As you breathe, imagine letting go of any stress or unresolved emotions with each exhale.

Breathwork is like a reset button for your nervous system, helping you to release what no longer serves you—physically and emotionally.

4. Have a Heart-to-Heart... with Yourself

Yes, you read that right. Sometimes, the best conversations you can have are the ones you have with yourself. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck, ask yourself, “What is this emotion trying to tell me?”

Your emotions are messengers—they’re trying to communicate something important. Maybe it’s fear, anger, sadness, or frustration. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to feel it without judgment. When you acknowledge your emotions instead of pushing them aside, they lose their power over you.

How Emotional Release Affects Your Physical Health

Here’s where it all ties together: when you release your unresolved emotions, you’re not just healing emotionally. You’re giving your body the space it needs to heal physically too.

Think about it—when your body is constantly holding onto stress and tension, it stays in a state of inflammation. Over time, this leads to wear and tear on your immune system, muscles, and organs. Chronic pain, fatigue, digestive problems, autoimmune disorders—these are just a few examples of how unprocessed emotions can wreak havoc on your health.

But by releasing those emotions, you’re reducing the stress on your body. You’re lowering inflammation, improving your immune response, and giving your body a chance to recover. It’s all connected—emotional healing leads to physical healing.

Ready to Let Go? Here’s Your Roadmap


Here’s the big takeaway: Your emotions are powerful, and they’re not going anywhere until you face them head-on. If you’ve been feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or like your body is working against you, it’s time to take action and start letting go. The mind and body are deeply connected, and the good news is—you have the power to free both.

Here’s your roadmap to emotional release and physical healing:

1. Recognize the Signs

Start paying attention to your body. Is there tension in your shoulders? A knot in your stomach? Chronic pain that keeps showing up in the same place? These physical signs are your body’s way of communicating that there are unresolved emotions lurking beneath the surface. Don’t ignore them—recognize them as clues that something deeper needs your attention.

2. Identify the Emotion

Once you notice the signs, ask yourself, What emotion is hiding here? Is it stress? Fear? Grief? Frustration? Get curious about what’s really going on beneath the surface. You don’t need to solve it right away—just identifying the emotion is a powerful step toward release.

3. Give Yourself Permission to Feel

This is the hard part, but it’s crucial: give yourself permission to feel whatever emotions come up. Whether it’s anger, sadness, or something else, let yourself experience it without judgment. Emotions are meant to be felt, not buried. Allow yourself to sit with them, even if it’s uncomfortable. It’s only by acknowledging these emotions that you can start to release them.

4. Move Your Body

As we talked about earlier, your body needs to move to release emotional tension. Whether it’s through somatic dance, yoga, or even just going for a brisk walk, find ways to physically let go of the tension your body has been carrying. The key is to move intuitively, allowing your body to guide you. It’s not about looking good—it’s about feeling good.

5. Breathe Deeply and Regularly

Remember to incorporate breathwork into your routine. Whether it’s a few deep breaths in the middle of a busy day or a more intentional breathwork practice, breathing is your body’s built-in tool for releasing stress. It calms your nervous system and helps your body let go of tension—one exhale at a time.

6. Reflect and Journal

Take time to reflect on your emotions by journaling. Write freely—about what’s been weighing on you, what you’ve been avoiding, and what you’re ready to let go of. Journaling is a great way to process emotions in a safe, private space. It doesn’t have to make sense, and no one else ever has to see it. Just write.

7. Celebrate Small Wins

Releasing emotional tension is a process—it doesn’t happen overnight. So when you notice small shifts in how you feel (whether it’s less tension in your neck or more mental clarity), celebrate it. Progress is progress, no matter how small. And over time, those small wins will add up to big changes in both your emotional and physical health.

You’ve Got This

Releasing unresolved emotions isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being real with yourself—about what you’re feeling, what you’re carrying, and what you’re ready to let go of. And the best part? You don’t have to wait until everything’s “fixed” to start feeling better.

By taking the time to listen to your body, move through your emotions, and give yourself permission to heal, you’re already on the right path. You’re breaking the cycle of carrying emotional baggage and giving your body the chance to heal, too.

So, what are you waiting for? Put on that transformative playlist, shake it out, write it down, and breathe. Your body will thank you—and your mind will feel lighter for it.

You’ve got this.

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